33 years old
Improve your english conversation skills today!
Are you looking to enhance your English conversation skills and gain confidence in speaking? Look no further! I am an experienced English conversation teacher, dedicated to helping you improve your fluency in a comfortable and engaging environment.

Why Choose Me?

Tailored lessons to suit your individual needs
Focus on practical conversation skills
Friendly and patient approach
Flexible scheduling

Check out my english on this video-review I did a while back:



Online Lessons: Only €15 per hour
In-Person Lessons: €17 per hour (minimum 1.5 hours)

Whether you prefer the convenience of online sessions or the personal touch of face-to-face lessons, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Get Started Today!

Contact me to schedule your first lesson and take the first step towards becoming a confident English speaker. Let's make your language goals a reality!