Do you need help with plants?
Hi there!

My name is Jaime and I am an agricultural engineer. Currently I am working in the field of plant science redearch. I have 9 years of professional experience working with plants and dealing with their problems. Basically I have grown surrounded by plants since I was a child and always got interested in taking good care of them. I have always been in love with trees and making bonsais out of them. 

I am offering my services to give advice with plants, projects with plants, pathogens or any kind of problem. It does not matter if it is just a pot or a large plant project. Not asking for money, unless you want to. Any kind of plants material in exchange of my service would work as well. 

I think having interest in plants is always nice, however one could have not had a lot of experience or not been expose to them, therefore struggling with them.

Let me know!
