Kleinson Meet and Greet! Please, confirm you attendance
Kleinson Open Day: Meeting New Potential English Teachers + Free Seminar + Coffee for all on us!!!

Do you know your rights to work legally in Spain? You can attend a free specialised seminar to get legal advice and helpful and valuable information on how to get the NIE (Foreigners Identification Number) which is an essential requirement in order to get your contract done. 

Kleinson, consultancy of languages, is holding an open day to meet new potential English teachers and provide you instructions to obtain the Foreigners Identification Number.

If you are interested in knowing us, what we can offer you, and how you can collaborate with us, you are welcome to attend our informative session @12am (Schedule: 12.00 am-1.30 pm) next Friday 21st November.

There is also planned a group interview on Friday, 5th December, starting at 12.00 for two hours (12.00-2.00 pm).

If you are interested, please RSVP your attendance via email with your CV to rrhh@kleinson.es with OPENDAYMAD MEET AND GREET as a subject line.

We will send you a confirmation email with all the details for the Open Day (contact person, address…) in case your profile meets the criteria before the Open Day (21st November).

Hopefully we will see you there!