23 years old
Hello, my name is Ryan and I am from the massive island in the Southern Hemisphere, 15000km from here called Australia. I am currently living in Madrid and work as a language assistant in San Agustin de Guadalix. 

In Australia, I have a Bachelors Degree in Applied Science in which I followed an education stream. I plan on completing a Masters degree in Education (Hopefully in Spain if possible!)

I can teach private lessons anytime on Mondays and  between 3:30pm and 5:30pm Tuesday - Friday. 

I live near the metro stop Diego de Leon. I arrive back in Madrid around 3pm at Plaza Castilla. Either in San Agustin or in the centre/north of the city would be appropriate. 

Classes are 15€ per hour, 25€ for two continuous hours. Group classes are negotiable.


Me llamo Ryan Carmody y soy de Australia. Perdone, estoy nivel A2 en español pero estoy mejorando todos los días. 

Estoy disponible todo el día los lunes. Estoy disponible desde 1530 horas hasta 1730 horas los martes a los viernes. 

Trabajo en San Agustín de Guadalix pero vivo en Madrid. Vivo muy cerca de el metro Diego de León.

15€ por hora o 25€ por 2 horas consecutivas.

Muchas Gracias!