Hike (free) --> Sunday, September 14
This Sunday, September 14 we're going to Cueva Valiente, from San Rafael town in Segovia. The hike is around 13km long and 750m in accumulated altitude difference. The first meeting point is Moncloa at 09:00h below the "Arcos" (calle Princesa 94) which are a couple of low-lying big arches right in front of the Ministerio del Aire. Leaving Moncloa is a small five-seater car, so the first three who want to share the ride with us are welcome. Gasoline expenses are divided up, approximately 7 euros round-trip.

If you want to go on your own, the second meeting point is the Las Farolas bar right at the entrance of San Rafael at 10:15h .

We want to be back in Moncloa by 19:30h to watch the Basketball World Cup final.

If you'd like to join, please send an email, tell how you're going and include a contact phone number, before Thursday 20:00h. As usual, the hike is free.
