56 years old
As well as helping you to improve your English Language Skills, we are able to assist you with the preparation of your CV and improve your Letter Writing Skills in English. 

We can assist you with the difficult challenge of making a Career Move and Coach and Prepare you for the Interview Procedure where a high level of Spoken and Written English is paramount. 

We can also guide you in the acceptable Etiquette associated with the International Business English Marketplace and help you develop the Business Acumen you will need.

You will not be alone in his process as we will work closely with you and engage with you whilst we encourage you to grow the Confidence and Personal Skills necessary to reach your Career Goals.

Our English Language and Career Progression Coaching Sessions will improve your Morale, Motivate you to believe in yourself and give you the fundamental skills you will need to be successful in developing your career in an English Speaking Environment.

WHATS APP 666.381.752